We Got Another One Stuck On Stupid Over Here...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Picture Courtesy of http://thepioneerwoman.com/
I’m not a religious person, never have been and probably never will be. I was baptized Catholic and attended a Christian Church for a short period while I was in High School. With that said, obviously religion confuses me... I believe in a higher power, I’m just not exactly sure what that higher power is…

Maybe it’s Vodka…

But anyways I always feel a little guilty for spending Sunday’s to cure my hangover of bad decisions and acts of debauchery while others are in Church or doing something spiritual to help improve themselves somehow… I read a small Hick website called Ranchers.net everyday. It’s pretty much Facebook for the Cow Folk… (‘em I cow folk? No, not really. Do I Ranch? No, not currently. Do I ride horses? That I do. Do I have time to waste while at work? Yes, yes I do)… Anyways there’s a guy on there who goes by the ‘handle’ of Shortgrass and every Sunday he takes a scenario of something realistic and compares it to something in the Bible. Now that kind of comparison and explanation I can grasp. So every Sunday I read his little blurbs and it makes me feel like I’ve done my spiritual soul searching for the week and I can then have a drink and move on with life… Sometimes it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.

But what I’m getting at is that I like that he takes time out of his day to sit down and write something that people can relate too and possibly make them feel better about themselves… So I’ve decided to do something similar in hopes to help improve someone’s day in some way and somehow. So with that said…

“I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd, with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!”

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